Sachin Kumar
ASM Audit & Consultancy Specialist

Professional Bio

Sachin is an associate chartered accountant having skills in the domain of Audit & Assurance, Consultancy. He brings in unique set of innovative and diligent skills which has become a key requisite in this ever – changing landscape Of financial world. He has carried out ASM audit of various clients at SPC. He has also handled internal audits such as information system audit and physical verification audit.

Professional Experience

  • He has epecialized in Monitoring Assignments (ASM) for various clients with aggregate exposure exceeding 2000 Crores.
  • He engaged in Concurrent and Statutory Bank Audits for multiple banks, ensuring regulatory compliance and effective internal controls.
  • He also conducted comprehensive information system audits, assessing internal controls and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • He executed share price valuation using the discounted cash flow method.
  • He conducted physical verification audits of company assets, ensuring accuracy and compliance with accounting standards, and prepared detailed audit reports highlighting key findings.
  • He also provided Business Advisory and Financial Planning services to clients.